Focus on RS232 & Network communication software.
Comm Echo

Comm Echo is a FREE debug tool for Serial Port, TCP/IP and UDP communication.


Enumerate all available serial port/COM Port on computer
Support Serial Port, TCP/IP Server, TCP/IP Client and UDP
Support TEXT, HEX, DEC format, as well as TEXT&HEX, TEXT&DEC
Display time for connection and receiving data


Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
.Net Framework 2.0

How to Use

1. Download and unzip it.
2. Run CommEcho.exe.
Comm Echo - Loopback Test Tool

3. Click "Setting" button to set the Endpoint. The Endpoint could be a serial port, TCP/IP server, TCP/IP client or UDP.
Comm Echo - Connection

4. Click "Start" button to open the Endpoint. It begins to display all received data.
Comm Echo - Loopback Test Tool
5. Click "Stop" button to close the Endpoint.

Tips: Comm Echo can save the current endpoint setting before it close. It will restore the setting when it runs next time.